Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chemical Educator

A chemical educator is interviewed 8D


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Noticing Changes in Matter (class responce)

Recently in class we completed a lab on changes in matter. We took a sugar cube and wrote down our observations using all of our senses, including taste! After we wrote down the observations we looked at the sugar cube under a microscope. It looked like a bunch of snowflakes gathered up in a cube. Then we crushed the sugar cube until it was a powder. Afterwords we looked at the powder under the microscope, and it looked like crystals. We mixed the powder into a glass of water, and the sugar disolved inside the water. I thought this lab was a lot of fun, especially when I got to lick the sugar cube.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Spam, Viruses and Smartphones- Oh my!

Original Article

The noun definition of spam verbatim is a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail. Well, it isn't just computers getting these annoying little qwirks anymore. As said in the deffinition, spam is sent through e-mail, and these new smartphones, such as the Blackberry, iPhone, and others all have e-mail. So, if you can send a virus or send spam to a computer through e-mail, why not a phone? This is exactly what hackers everywhere are thinking in their evil-doing minds. Smartphones are becomming more and more popular, thus there are more smartphones to hack then there are computers. In fact, more than 139 million smartphones were sold worldwide, which a 13.9 percent increase from 2007. Experts say that the attacks became more popular when the smartphones began to go from just simply e-mail checking and calling to paying bills, doing taxes, facebook, twitter, and more. So those of you with smartphones: Don't click any suspicious links, because you arn't the 1,000,000,000th visitor, and the only prize you're about to get is a nice virus. And who wants that?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tiny T-Rex Discovered in China

About 150 million years ago, a creature unknown to human kind until this moment in time walked prehistoric China. It was a little T-Rex, called the Raptorex, although it is thought to have existed 60 million years before the Tyrant Lizard King. An adult Raptorex was about 9 feet tall and weighed about 150 pounds. The Raptorex weighed about almost 100 times less then a T-rex, is about 1/100th of a size. The discovery of this new dinosaur was completely unexpected, and scientists are still in shock at the Raptorex. I feel that this is in amazing discovery, and I hope that we can find more discoveries like it soon

By Azadeh Ansari

Monday, May 18, 2009

October Sky

I recently watched the movie October Sky in school. I brief outlook of the movie can be found here. There were many connections to science in this movie, such as it had to do with Astronomy, which plays a big role in the science community. In fact, the main character, Homer Hickam, became an astronaut trainer at NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration). It had math connections as well, which were highlighted when Homer figured out that they(his friends and himself), could not have started a fire that they were accused of.

What I thought:
I guess it was OK. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but then again, the best movie I've ever seen was Dark Knight, and nothing can beat that. Not even the ever-annoying "twilight". But anyway, October Sky was a little boring. It's not a movie I would want to watch again, but overall, it was all right.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Blog Responce

(This is a blog response to CoOkIeMoNsTeR's "Sickle-Cell Anemia" )

Sickle-Cell Anemia is a disease that stops blood from flowing to a certain organ which can cause extreme pain and organ damage. People effected by Sickle-Cell are both male and female, and they are normally African-Americans. 1 in 500 Blacks are effected, and can effect 1 in 36,000 Hispanic children have Sickle-Cell Anemia. In order to form more treatments, doctors need to learn how Sickle-Cell Anemia effects the bones.

What I Think: I feel that it is horrible that this happens to people. It sounds terribly painful and I would never want to go though it myself. In CoOkIeMoNsTeR's blog, she seems to emphasise the pain of the treatments. The question I still have is what is it about these treatments that make it hurt so bad?

Tay-Sachs Disease

Tay-Sachs Disease was discovered by Warren Tay in 1881. If the patient is a baby, they seem to develop fine for the first few months, but then become blind, deaf, and unable to swallow. This is due to the fatty material distending the cells. The is currently no cure or treatments for this terrible disease, although medication and good nutrition can help symptoms. It is fatal in children, and they usually die by age four, survival beyond age five is extremely rare. Tay-Sachs is mostly found Eastern European Ashkenzai Jews. Other then that, it is an uncommon disease. If anything else, what needs to be understood about this disease is treatment or a cure, to save the lives of many people. The is currently a foundation working toward this called "Dakota's Dream". Dakota is an 9-year old girl that is battling Tay-Sachs. Dakota had a cord blood transplant done at Duke Medical Center in January of 2006, but the disease continues to grow. She is slowly losing her mental and physical abilities because her body is missing an important enzyme needed to clear waste from brain cells. One in every 250 people carry this fatal gene mutation.

What I Think: I feel terrible for the children with this disease, as well as their families. Some children spend weeks in the hospital, and I know how it feels to have a loved one in the hospital for such a long time. Hopefully, someday, we will find a cure for Tay-Sachs and put many families at ease.

Info: Click Here!

Friday, February 27, 2009

internet's top hits

The most popular things on the web?
get your wet suits on, 'cause we're surfing the net!

Some of the top things on the list are:

Star Wars Kid!
Homestar Runner! [I've actualy been on this site. IT'S AWESOME!!!! very funny!!!] and "Peanut Butter Jelly Time".

Homestar Runner [A.K.A my favorite web show] Is an animation, which are very hard to make. [Trust me, I know T_T]

My favorite character is Homsar, whonever makes any sence :3

There is a segment on "HomestarRunner. net.... It's dot com!" [~Homestar] called Strongbad e-mails, where "You keep sending me e-mails, and I'll make fun of your spelling and grammer-- I mean awnser them." [Strongbad] This relates to technology and science because of how an e-mail is sent, which I'm not really sure of. =P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Shnow!" ~Mooch the Cat

Just when we thought we'd never have a good snow again...

For the last few years, we haven't gotten good snow fall. Last night's snow was the best snow my puppy [well not anymore] Zoey has seen. Zoey is three years old, and she seemed excited by the snow. It was good snow for making snowballs and snowmen, and I made about thirteen snowballs to bombard my two friends for making me wait 20 minutes in the snow for them!!!! AAAAANYwho, I'm sure everyone will have tons of fun in the snow, and I'm going sledding! [btw I spell my dog's name z-o-e-y so don't mark it as bad spelling]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

mother finds adopted son on myspace after 37 years

Who: Terri fuller
what: My Space
when:after 37 years
where: Utah
why: Terri regretted giving her son up
my opinion: FYI, Terri found her son because of an typo. I think this is pretty miraculous. Also, she found her son via the computer, thus technology, and technology has a lot to do with science.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

S.S: Inauguration of President Obama

While watching today's inauguration of president Obama, I realized that after Mr.Obama has served his term[s], the next inauguration I see will be when I'm in high school. I was also thinking about how happy Martin Luthar King would be.I wondered how his daughters felt about being the children of the president. I'm very excited to see what new things he can do for us and what change will come. I loved his speach and feel that he has the ability to change America for the better.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Best turntable 64,000 can buy?

Brandon Griggs [how many of my articles are by him?!]

who: Angelis Labor

what: $64,000 turntable called "The Gabriel"

when: Last week [dose not give spesific time]

Where: Las Vegas, Nevada

my oppinion: My goodness, this is a bit much don't you think? at the price that it's at, I don't believe anyone will be buying it soon. I mean, we are in a little [LITTLE?!] economical crunch right now.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Computer Cars?!

Technology's next frontier: In-car computing
Brandon Griggs

Have you ever watched a car commercial and wondered "Dang, what in the heck will those stinkin' Ford and Toyota people come up with next?!" Well, heres your awnser. a big fat "COMPUTERS!!!!" yup, thats right, computers in cars are going to be the nextmust-have. In March, Ford will release a fully functional dashboard computers. yup, time to visit all my RPG sites on they way to florida. and check my mail and AIM with my friends! life can't get any better on long car rides! .... or... can they?