Friday, February 27, 2009

internet's top hits

The most popular things on the web?
get your wet suits on, 'cause we're surfing the net!

Some of the top things on the list are:

Star Wars Kid!
Homestar Runner! [I've actualy been on this site. IT'S AWESOME!!!! very funny!!!] and "Peanut Butter Jelly Time".

Homestar Runner [A.K.A my favorite web show] Is an animation, which are very hard to make. [Trust me, I know T_T]

My favorite character is Homsar, whonever makes any sence :3

There is a segment on "HomestarRunner. net.... It's dot com!" [~Homestar] called Strongbad e-mails, where "You keep sending me e-mails, and I'll make fun of your spelling and grammer-- I mean awnser them." [Strongbad] This relates to technology and science because of how an e-mail is sent, which I'm not really sure of. =P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Shnow!" ~Mooch the Cat

Just when we thought we'd never have a good snow again...

For the last few years, we haven't gotten good snow fall. Last night's snow was the best snow my puppy [well not anymore] Zoey has seen. Zoey is three years old, and she seemed excited by the snow. It was good snow for making snowballs and snowmen, and I made about thirteen snowballs to bombard my two friends for making me wait 20 minutes in the snow for them!!!! AAAAANYwho, I'm sure everyone will have tons of fun in the snow, and I'm going sledding! [btw I spell my dog's name z-o-e-y so don't mark it as bad spelling]