Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New 'Bots on Mars!
Having a Ball with Helper 'bots on Mars
Popular Science

Guess what? By next fall, NASA plans to send up the biggst Mars Rover yet!!! It will cost 1.8-billion dollers, and will be the sive of an SUV. Dang, that is one BIG spave rover!!! Although the MRL [whatever THAT is =P] says that they will be able to haul up FIVE TIMES as mutch equipment as the already preent rovers, Hope and Oppertunity, a group of Sweedish researchers insists that they could accomplish FAAAAAAR more if they send up assistent robots to help them out, because everybody needs a little help once in a while, right :) ? anywhom, since you already know what is happening, when it's happening, and who's going to make it happen, lets move on to why. WHY is NASA sending up 1.8-billion dollers up into space, not knowing if that I.8-billion dollers is going to be distroyed on impact or not? well, to our wonderful friends at NASA, this photos that can be snapped at ANY angle, the soil samples, the few repairs, rarely getting stuck, easy to seal from dust, never flipping over 'bot is sooo worth the time and effort. Wouldn't you think?

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