Tuesday, January 27, 2009

mother finds adopted son on myspace after 37 years

Who: Terri fuller
what: My Space
when:after 37 years
where: Utah
why: Terri regretted giving her son up
my opinion: FYI, Terri found her son because of an typo. I think this is pretty miraculous. Also, she found her son via the computer, thus technology, and technology has a lot to do with science.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

S.S: Inauguration of President Obama

While watching today's inauguration of president Obama, I realized that after Mr.Obama has served his term[s], the next inauguration I see will be when I'm in high school. I was also thinking about how happy Martin Luthar King would be.I wondered how his daughters felt about being the children of the president. I'm very excited to see what new things he can do for us and what change will come. I loved his speach and feel that he has the ability to change America for the better.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Best turntable 64,000 can buy?

Brandon Griggs [how many of my articles are by him?!]

who: Angelis Labor

what: $64,000 turntable called "The Gabriel"

when: Last week [dose not give spesific time]

Where: Las Vegas, Nevada

my oppinion: My goodness, this is a bit much don't you think? at the price that it's at, I don't believe anyone will be buying it soon. I mean, we are in a little [LITTLE?!] economical crunch right now.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Computer Cars?!

Technology's next frontier: In-car computing
Brandon Griggs

Have you ever watched a car commercial and wondered "Dang, what in the heck will those stinkin' Ford and Toyota people come up with next?!" Well, heres your awnser. a big fat "COMPUTERS!!!!" yup, thats right, computers in cars are going to be the nextmust-have. In March, Ford will release a fully functional dashboard computers. yup, time to visit all my RPG sites on they way to florida. and check my mail and AIM with my friends! life can't get any better on long car rides! .... or... can they?